The Bank will perform all banking transactions, such as borrowing money, giving loans, opening letters of credits, buying and selling foreign currencies and providing facilities in other banking affairs.
The Bank will participate actively in rehabilitation, economic and social development of Afghanistan such as trade, industries, agriculture, metallurgy, extraction and refining of pertroleum and gas including land and air transportation and other activities according to the enforced law of the country and the constitution of D.A.O.M.Bank.
1.Supreme council of directors committee, president of the supreme council,vice president, chief executive two deputies of him includind one economical adviser,one legislative adviser and one accounting adviser. 2. General assembly of share holders. 3. Executive board (president of the board and the deputies of the bank). 4. Super intendent board.
This is a private bank that has nothing to do with any organizations or governments.
The main office of the bank will be in the city of Kabul. Its branches could be open, if required inside and outside the country.
Stock documents of "D.A.O.M.BANK" are confidential based on the article 384 of trade law of Afghanistan.
Five percent of the banks annual profit will be given to charities.
Once the bank has been established we will be working on the following projects in Afghanistan:
1. Power project in Gardez, Afghanistan
2. Oil and Gas project in Katawaz (Paktia), Afghanistan
3. Kama Irrigation and Power project in Nangarhar,Afghanistan
4. Gambiri Desert Irrigation project in Nangarhar, Afghanistan
5. Building of Highways from Torkham to Kabul and Kabul to Kandahar(These Highways are transit routs from south Asia to central Asia)
6. Repaire of all Floor Mills in Kabul, Herat, Kandahar, Mazar-I-Sharif and Puli-Khumri
7. Air and Ground Transportation
8. Development of the Rain Forest in Paktia Province
9. Export of all Afghan Goods world wide, and Import of goods necessary to Afghanistan
10. Development of Steal Mills in Hagi-Gak in Hazarajat
All the projects are very profitable.

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